NYC Location-Based Apps Meetup: 8/24/11

Where do all the geo-based startups gather to learn, mingle, and make presentations to each other? That would be the NYC Location-Based Apps Meetup, which held an event last night at the AOL HQ on lower Broadway.

I came to hear Brett Martin, founder/CEO/waterboy at Sonar, who I first saw present at TechCrunch Disrupt earlier this summer. My hunch was that it would be a good idea to hear more about his startup in AOL’s cozier sixth floor venue.

It was a good move. As a bonus for attending, I got to see my friends at, who also gave a short demo, as well as watch an intriguing presentation on LoKast, a proximity based social network.

And I met briefly with NYC LBA organizers, Michael Fives (co-founder of Grapphic) and Gauri Manglik (check out her SpotOn app).

Not a bad evening’s work for me.

So was I the only one who heard Martin’s hidden reference to David Foster Wallace when he said the goal of Sonar is to get us out of our “skull-sized kingdoms”?Continue reading