Hoboken Tech Meetup 7/18/11: Entrepreneurial Planet

One eyebrow-raising moment at last night’s Hoboken Tech Meetup was when former Huffington Post CEO Eric Hippeau said that in his new gig at Lerer Ventures, he funds one company per week.

It is a good time to be a startup. Or at least the kind of startup that Lerer Ventures is interested in—those with founders that want to take on huge markets.

Hippeau has led a charmed and fascinating life. This Sorbonne-educated but very worldly media entrepreneur worked his way up from running an English language paper in Brazil (when he was just 20) to taking the CEO helm at giant tech publisher Ziff-Davis.

As you might expect, his presentation on the disruptive power of software was backed up by interesting stories. Like the time he was working at Softbank trying to convince Jerry Yang, who had a company called Yahoo, to take a $100 million investment.Continue reading