I Just Had Shelby.tv

With an alpha invite in my inbox, and since I haven’t seen enough videos in my lifetime, I tuned into Shelby.tv.

Shelby’s premise, from what I understand, is that you don’t know which videos to watch, but your social network— Twitter and Facebook pals—instead holds the key to your viewing preferences.

Shelby works by pulling in videos that have been posted by cohorts. Unfortunately, my Twitter network, which includes lots of telecom and tech companies, is not a media watching kind of group.

So Shelby could find just two links, and then played the videos over and over and over again.

Apparently someone in my social graph had tweeted a music video link to “I just had sex” by The Lonely Island.

Could it be Twilio—they seem awfully happy lately? Or perhaps this is a bit of clever marketing by BridesView?Continue reading