By allowing innovation to be easily implemented at the edge of the network, the end-to-end design of the Internet has lowered technical, financial, and administrative …

Verizon Blinks

As we all know, Verizon went public on Tuesday with its agreement to allow Skype’s VoIP application to run on its network. There are still a few gotchas for Verizon subscribers who want the service, but in the world of telecom this is momentous. Faced with the FCC’s proposed rules for net neutrality and a new fifth principle of non-discrimination, Verizon (along with AT&T) has relented.

Before the Web and Twitter, restaurants were completely controlled by the press, and chefs and restaurants just had to sit back and take it,” said …

But a series of FCC decisions over the last six years years have allowed the incumbent LECs to refuse to provide competitors unbundled access to …

Gawker The Daily Beast The Atlantic I Can Has Cheez Burger Discover Magazine Space Rip (great astro videos ) Epicurious

We’re planning to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the United States. We’ll deliver Internet speeds …