Remember the iPhone? It’s like a smaller version of the iPad. Anyway, the tech press is all over the news that Apple unlocked VoIP calling within the iPhone SDK . The first app to take advantage is iCall (or maybe its Fring). In theory, it should be possible to make free VoIP calls on the iPad too.
With the free ICall app, you listen to an ad before the start of your maximum five minutes of air-time. For add-free calling, you can pony up for a low-cost monthly plan. All the pieces of the VoIP puzzle are also in place to do the same on the iPad.
I’m leading to something deeper than being able to transfer VoiP bits over AT&T’ s 3G network. Here goes…
Wireless data $s —text messaging, video, internet,etc.— is a bright spot on AT&T’s earnings sheet , growing faster than its (declining) voice business.
Deep prognostication: this could be a bet that ultimately our nation’s leading carrier will be making loads of money on iPhone, iPads, and other i-gadget applications through wallet-gouging pricing tiers.