Brief note on StarSnap: You Oughta Be in Pictures

A little summer fun comes by way of an iPhone app that finds close enough matches of your selfie amongst celebrity photos. By the way, according to StarSnap, I resemble Paul McCartney–the older, not the Fab Four vintage.

On another channel I’ve written about the improvements in facial imaging technology. You can think about StarSnap as a facial app wherein the “false positive” parameter runs a little fast and loose as it compares you eye and nose coordinates to a set of celebs mugshots. On the more serious side, where’s the privacy policy on this app? I couldn’t find any legalese related to what they do with the uploaded photos.

StarSnap also delivers celeb news and celeb factoids. By the way, looking at their software credits, I noticed they gave a hat tip to Freebase, the amazing semantic database that Google now owns. Good choice StarSnap.