Small Thank You Letter to Koding

A few years back there was a free and all powerful web development environment started by the brothers Yasar–Devrim and Sinan. It was a great place for our blog to test and code experiments in geo mapping visuals, VoXML dialogs and whatever else we were doing at the time. You get an editor, some disk space, a web sub-domain, and a few other pieces of software. It was our garage in the cloud, with just enough things lying around to get the job done.

Kodingen changed its name at some point to Koding. We received an email from them the other day about an offer for a free upgrade to 100TB of storage, which we redeemed. And in looking around the joint, we forgot about what a pleasant place it is to do work. They’ve since added terminal access to a slice of Ubuntu VM.

We’re not much for programming these days but it warms our nerdy heart that we can have this kind of access. As it turns out, we still occasionally need to try out a few scripts and remind ourselves what file access looks like in Linux. Koding fits the bill for us. And who knows, we may do PHP coding for one reason or another.

So, thank you Koding for being there. And kode on!