NYC/NJ Hacker News

As a non-contributing member of the Hacker League, a community devoting to preserving those late night hacks for posterity, I get the benefit of receiving their newsletter, the EventTransmitter(). It nicely summarizes hackathons in this area and across the US.

In Cambridge, MA this weekend, musicians and developers will join forces at Music Hackers’ Weekend to “build the future of music”. Also this weekend and much closer to home, Rutgers University is running its annual HackRU.

For next weekend, you already know about Mobile DevCamp NYC. But there’s more hack stuff happening. 10Gen is sponsoring a MongoDB hackathon at their 578 Broadway offices. 10Gen engineers will be available to provide help and technical resources to hackers. Prizes (iPad, XBox) to best hacks.

A roundup of nationwide hacks as collected by the Hacker League can be here.